PreserVision 3
The protective properties of PreserVision 3
Choose PreserVision 3, is choosing to protect.
PreserVision 3 ... the choice of nutrients scientifically recognized for their interest
PreserVision 3 is a concentrate of essential equilibrium under the eyes.
This dietary supplement incorporates three classes of micronutrients scientifically recognized the optimal dosage.
PreserVision ... 3. CHOOSING A DOSAGE NUTRIENT optimized for each
Vitamins & Minerals:
Maximum daily doses

Carotenoid pigments:
At the doses recommended by scientific studies

Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs):
Optimized concentration of omega 3 pure *

* According to the method of administration recommended 2 capsules / day
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€19.00 (including 23 % tax)
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Customer Reviews:
José Horta (Wednesday, 02 October 2013)

Tomo este suplemento há cerca de seis anos,por recomendação do oftalmologista,e creio que tem sido positivo
(Monday, 03 June 2013)

Excelente producto. Recomendado para personas de edad avanzada. Nunca sustitutivo de medicacion ya que se trata de un complemento vitaminico.